Welcome to Peace!
Thinking about visiting?
Thank you so much for visiting our website; we treasure the vibrant ministry that is ours at Peace! Please consider taking another step towards getting to know us. We’d love to have you join us at one of our worship services. We also have a Bible information class that might be right for you. We would love to tell you more about our Savior’s love and have you become part of our church.
If you’d like to learn more, we would love to meet with you personally in whatever way is comfortable for you. Please fill out this form to schedule a visit or connect with a pastor at one of our worship services. We look forward to meeting you soon!
In Christ’s service,
Pastor Matt Moldstad & Pastor Ben Wiechmann

What to Expect
Our services are traditional. We use orders of service (liturgy) that contain elements dating back to the early Christian church. While this may seem old-fashioned to some the historic liturgy is rich with Scripture, reminding us of our sin, but also of God’s grace and forgiveness for us in Christ. The liturgy also connects us to the historic Christian Church, who has gathered in a similar fashion to worship the true God father Bible for millennia.
The service will be entirely printed for you in a bulletin that you will receive at the door. Worshipers are invited to sing both portions of the liturgy printed in the bulletin, but also congregational hymns out of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (the black book available in the pews). The hymns are accompanied by piano and organ. Participants are not obligated to sing, but encouraged to do so.
Music certainly is an important part of our services and we invite you to participate in our congregational singing. Loud or soft, in monotone or rich harmony, all our praises are music to God as we respond to hearing His Word.
When pondering God’s love for us and our opportunity to praise and thank him for that love, we recall the words of the Psalm writer: “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.'” (Psalm 122:1) We often have choirs, small musical groups, or soloists sing musical pieces as well.
Each service also contains a 15-20 minute sermon from one of the pastors that dives deeply into one of the three readings appointed for the day from a three-year cycle of readings, called the lectionary.
Some of our services will offer Holy Communion, where members are invited forward to the altar to partake in consecrated bread and wine. At Peace we practice “close” or “closed" communion. We do this for two reasons. First, because the Bible warns against taking this sacrament without proper understanding and self examination. (1 Corinthians 11:27-29) We do not want you to take communion to your spiritual harm. Secondly, communion is a public profession of faith (1 Corinthians 11:26). God desires that those who commune together be united faith, what they believe and practice. (1 Corinthians 1:10, 10:17; Romans 16:17) Therefore, we require that communicants at our church be in full agreement with the teaching of our church and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
We want you to be able to commune with us, but want you to do so in a proper way. If you’d like to find out more about how to become a communicate member of Peace please speak with one of our pastors.
Lutherans are Christians who believe that all Christian teachings should come from God’s Word, the Bible. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. This means that everything the Bible teaches is correct and true. We believe that it is only through the Bible that we can know the one true God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – and His will for our lives.
Lutherans believe in God’s grace.
All people are sinners and would perish eternally without God’s help. The good news is that God has provided all of this help as a free gift. God’s saving grace is His undeserved love for all people through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. God loves all people, of every nation and race equally. It is God the Father’s desire for all people to hear His Word, to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their only Savior, and therefore to have eternal life. Jesus lived a holy life in our place and died on the cross for the forgiveness of all our sins. Through this completed work of Jesus, God the Father sees the whole world as not guilty, or justified. This teaching of “justification” is the central truth of the Bible.Lutherans believe that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary for eternal salvation.
This faith in Jesus, who is both God and man, our Savior, comes only as God, the Holy Spirit, works through God’s Word and Baptism in a person’s heart. We believe we sinners cannot come to faith through our own power, but that our faith is accomplished only by the power of the Holy Spirit as He connects us to Jesus as the Savior. -
There is no dress code at Peace, we encourage you to come as you are. Many of our members choose to dress nicely or in business casual, but it is by no means required.
Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.
Kids of all ages are welcome at Peace. We encourage kids and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God’s word and sing his praise. There are quiet bags near the Parent's Room and Children's Bible Books in the pews.
On two Sundays each month the pastor delivers a special children’s message right before the sermon.
Televisions in the gathering area allow you to follow along with the service if you need to step out with your child.
A parent room is also available to meet the needs of parents with small children. Services are streamed to a monitor in that room as well.
The members of Peace have joined together to carry out the Lord’s work in Mankato, Eagle Lake, and around the world. Guests need not feel obligated to participate in the weekly offering that supports our ministry.
Peace is a large church with hundreds of people coming and going each weekend. Our pastors will do their best to greet you before ot after worship, but aren’t always able to get to everyone. We would love to meet you, get to know you a little bit better and find out how we can serve you with God’s Word. Please take the time to fill out the guest register located at the welcome desk when you enter the building.
We gather for fellowship after services. We invite you to grab a cup of coffee or a treat and greet those around you.