We encourage all of those who are part of our church family to give — not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship and thanksgiving. Generosity is not something God wants from you, it is something God wants for you. Your gifts allow God's work to be done through grace across the street and around the world.
Four Funds Supporting Peace Ministry
At Peace, we’ve organized our financial resources into four dedicated funds to ensure we can grow, thrive, and continue our mission of service. Here’s a quick look at how each fund plays a role:
Core Operations Fund
This is the backbone of Peace’s day-to-day work. It covers regular income and expenses, fueled by plate offerings and tithes. It’s also the source for mission offerings, helping us prioritize and support outreach efforts. Learn more about the Four Funds.
Three Funds for Special Gifts and Large Donations
1. Debt Reduction Fund
Be a part of the story of building Peace! Contributions to this fund go directly toward reducing the church’s mortgage, making every gift a step closer to financial freedom.
2. Education Fund
Peace is committed to providing Christ-centered education, from preschool to graduate school. This special fund offers ongoing budgetary support for educational programs and partner ministries. It’s a long-term, in-perpetuity fund that collects interest and pays out annually to help lower the costs of Christian education.
3. Capital Improvement Fund
This fund allows us to dream big! It’s reserved for significant facility improvements that enhance our ministry. The fund is conservatively invested and grows until it’s time to bring those dreams to life.
Whether through weekly tithes or estate gifts, every contribution helps move our mission forward. Thank you for your generous support!
Securely Give Online
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You can give via mail or our website.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”